Quotes From "Full Spectrum Disorder: The Military In The New American Century" By Stan Goff

Even scientists and academics are frequent prey to the delusion that reality is reducible. Fear, deep and wide, is the secret motive force of much human behavior, and I think reduction is often rooted in fear. Passing over fear, I think, is the beginning of every liberatory project. Stan Goff
American culture is a sheep culture–long on talk about individualism, but even longer on absolute conformity. Most still believe that individuality is based on which model car you like best–commodity identity, a selection of personalities on a shelf full of products approved by the Federal Identity Administration. I’m a Taurus aspiring to be a Lexus. Stan Goff
The author also participated in Operation Uphold Democracy (in Haiti, a year after the catastrophic denouement of Operation Restore Hope in Somalia).... Hope was not restored in Somalia. Democracy was not upheld in Haiti. Stan Goff
I would add entertainment media cheerleader Wolf Blitzer, CNN’s Pentagon sycophant in Kuwait City, a representative of the neon press, neon being that colorless, inert gas that lights up on command. Stan Goff